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FOCUS on These 3 Things...

Coming soon...YOU are a new and improved lactation care provider in the first hours & days after birth! Stick with these 3 things as your focus:

  • relaxed and reclined breastfeeding positions

  • infant-driven, cue-based feedings (No Limits!)

  • Hand Expression

When you are truly able to trust that these things will serve you well as you assist new parents, you'll feel more confident that you are actually helping people AND making their early lactation experiences better - and that's why we're all here in the first place!

I'm here to help YOU feel more confident in your ability to help others on their breastfeeding journey. Together, we can give others more supported lactation experiences!

The First 100 Hours Masterclass is all about helping you organize the knowledge and skills you need when helping families in the first hours, days, and weeks after birth. What happens during those first 4 days of baby's life are really important to breastfeeding outcomes and to how supported and capable parents feel about meeting their feeding goals.

We can make those days better by offering care that is simple, gentle, and targeted to ensure that babies are treated and fed well and that parents are nurtured with high quality lactation care, accurate information, and the right balance of the information they need to get through this phase of lactation.

YOU are an integral part of this network of care! Whether you are seasoned or studying, The First 100 Hours Masterclass will leave you empowered and refreshed, ready to take on the important work of early lactation care. Questions? Email me at OR send me a DM on Instagram @IBCLCinCA!

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